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Is there a connection between Psychics and Astrology ?

George Valentino quotes 

There is a historical and cultural connection between psychic capabilities and astrology, though they are different practices. Both are associated with metaphysical or esoteric traditions and the belief in the unseen influences on life. How are they connected ? 1.Intuition & Psychic Perception in Astrology – Many astrologers use their intuition or 6th sense when interpreting charts. While astrology is based on calculations and planetary positions, intuitive insights do enhance star sign readings. 2.Both have Esoteric Roots – astrology and psychic phenomena have roots in ancient traditions, including Hermeticism, Theosophy, and Kabbalah, which explore the mystical forces shaping reality. 3.Astrological Indicators of Psychic Ability – Some astrologers believe that certain planetary alignments like a strong Neptune, Pisces influence, or Moon aspects) indicate heightened psychic sensitivity. Water signs are labelled as the most intuitive being Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. 4.Use in Divination – Like tarot reading, mediumship, and other divinatory practices, astrology is sometimes used to predict events or offer spiritual guidance, psychics and mystics do the same. While astrology is a system based on celestial and planetary movements, psychic abilities are often seen as intuitive or supernatural. However astrologists and psychic practitioners integrate both in their spiritual work. Tarot and star signs The ancient craft of Tarot has star sign indicators that go hand in hand with astrology in their Arcana’s and a variety of spreads like the 12 card reading is an interpretation of the 12 months of the year. Tarot Arcana’s and Astrology The Moon Indicates Cancerian and Scorpio alignments. The World Indicates Taurus and Leo Justice Indicates Libra Finally star signs were used as a calendar instead of months since biblical times, as July and August are named after Emperors Cesar and Augustus. This is why mediumship and tools like Runes, Tarot and dowsing were incorporated historically.

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